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News from us
25 January 2021

A Note from Composer Charles Callahan

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Dr. Charles Callahan sent an email last week to thank me for using one of his compositions in a recent YouTube video.   “Charlie” is a noted expert on EM Skinner Pipe Organs and wrote a setting of Divinum Mysterium which features many typical EM Skinner Solo stops (i.e.  English Horn, French Horn, Solo Flute, Clarinet, etc).  I play a lot of Dr. Callahan’s music at my church (First Park Congregational Church, Grand Rapids, MI) since the Sanctuary Organ features many of these “Skinner” stops in the specification.

Here is his short and sweet note:

Here is a link to Callahan’s setting of DIVINUM MYSTERIUM played on the Rodgers 599 hybrid organ

Also available is a wonderful CD that Dr. Callahan recorded on the 39+ rank, Rodgers Hybrid Organ in Wheaton.

To see the tracks available on the CD click on this link:   ALL GLORY BE TO GOD ON HIGH

You may also contact TRIUNE MUSIC for a copy of the CD ($15)
