2013 Conference for Church Musicians – Green Lake, WI
From Saturday, July 13 2013 – 3:00pm
To Friday, July 19 2013 – 9:00pm
Every day
2013 Conference for Church Musicians
Green Lake Conference Grounds, Green Lake, WI
Sponsored by the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians
This year, the conference features two spectacular Organists and a well-known Worship Leader.
Robert Hobby – Adult Clinician
Robert A. Hobby is Director of Music at Trinity English Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his responsibilities include playing for many of the worship services, overseeing the graded choral program, and managing the concerts that the church offers.
Mr. Hobby received his Bachelor’s Degree in Church Music from Wittenberg University in 1985 and a Master’s Degree in Organ Performance from the University of Notre Dame in 1987. His organ teachers have included Darwin Leitz, Kirby and Kristi Koriath, Donald Busarow, and Craig Cramer. His private study in composition has been under Donald Busarow and Richard Hillert. He has had private coaching in improvisation with Paul Manz and compositional coaching from English composer, Andrew Carter.
Jeremy Bankson – Organ Clinician
Jeremy Bankson is the Associate Minister of Music at First-Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln, Nebraska where he joined the staff in August of 2007. Jeremy is a native Nebraskan who received his BM from UNL in 1997 and is currently working on a Masters in Choral Conducting. Active as a composer/arranger, he has led workshops, clinics and hymn festivals for the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, American Guild of Organists, Leadership Program for Musicians, Augsburg Fortress and various other churches around the country. His compositions can be found in the catalogs of MorningStar Music Publishers, Augsburg Fortress Press and Concordia Publishing House.
Marty Haugen – Worship Clinician –
Marty Haugen is a liturgical composer, workshop presenter, performing and recording artist & author from Eagan, Minnesota.
For the past 25 years, Marty has presented workshops and concerts across North and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. He has over 35 recordings and more than 400 separate printed editions available through GIA Publications. A number of his published songs, including ”Shepherd Me, O God,” ”Gather Us In” and ”All Are Welcome” are well-known to many religious denominations. He has several published mass settings for Roman Catholic communities, including Mass of Creation, and several liturgical settings for Lutheran congregations, including Holden Evening Prayer, Unfailing Light (with Pastor Susan Briehl) and Now the Feast and Celebration, as well as a communion setting for the new Evangelical Worship Book (ELW-Augsburg Fortress).