Making of a Masterpiece 1 – Menomonee Falls, WI
Conceptual Drawing for the project
View of the Completed Organ. Continue to look at pictures taken during the installation of this Masterpiece
BEFORE view of the balcony. Old organ is located in north south chambers
Installing the custom woodwork. Getting high on the project
Installing the Great casework. Doing this on 100+ year old walls is not a simple task as nothing is plumb level.
Securing the windline connections
Scott prepares the reservoir for its windline
Unpacking the pipe crates. What a mess!
Drilling toe boards on site
Racking the Pedal Choralbass
Last Choralbass pipe is racked. Facade woodwork now awaits paint gold-leaf.
Scott celebrates the installation of the tallest facade pipes in the organ.
Racking the Great Gemshorn
Wiring the Great Pipe Drivers. Rodgers pipe drivers are fused and meet UL standards.
Painting the Positiv Facade
Painting the Great Case. Conrad Schmidt artist painting gold-leafing the casework
Painters & Construction Continue. Construction continues with ladders in place at the end of Lent
Choralbass Facade Completed. Finished facade with 23K Gold Leaf
Dean Christian begins the voicing process. Dean has voiced many pipe organs for Rodgers around the world.
View of the finished Organ.Great Division is in the Cen33ter -- Positiv to the Right -- Swell Pedal to the left